Hi, my name is Fatah Aja
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A fresh graduate of electrical engineering at Bandung Institute of Technology who has a strong interest in frontend development and mobile app development. I am always eager to learn and a highly motivated person.

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Flappy Bird Clone

This game is made to improve my understanding in programming using python. As well as understanding the basics of making games. The flappy bird game was booming a few years ago. This game is very entertaining and easy for everyone to play.

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Snake Game

This game is made to improve my understanding in programming using python. As well as understanding the basics of making games. Snake games are very common games for everyone in this world. This game was natively on every candy bar cellphone two decades ago. I miss this game, so I try to make it.

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A simple application that can search our robot friends. The application is built using React and aims to understand how to use the React library to develop responsive and fast applications.

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